Explore the
Biblical Gardens
of Africa
The Biblical Gardens of Africa will be a place of educational learning. It will throw more light on people’s understanding of the Bible. The Biblical Gardens depict the biblical landscape, including the trees and shrubs of the Bible.
The vegetation found in the Bible played an important role in God’s Word. Much of the vegetation connects the Bible to nature, to symbols and festivals, to parables and historical happenings. Surrounding and learning about this vegetation brings a deeper understanding of God’s Word. The Biblical Gardens of Africa will occupy several thousand square meters and be filled with the plants of the Bible.
The gardens will accommodate several thousand people who wish to worship, pray or enjoy the many festivals and special events to be held in the gardens.
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Overview of Biblical Garden Area
The gardens are accented with inspiring monuments reflecting Biblical sites along with many plants from the time.

The Western Wall ( Kotel ) in Jerusalem was part of the wall that King Herod built in order to expand the Temple that was used at the time of Jesus. The Temple held the Ark of the Covenant and the Temple Mount, which is considered the Holiest site for the Jewish people to worship.
The Temple was destroyed in 70 AD by the Romans and much of the wall was destroyed. The remaining exposed portion of wall – the Kotel or Western Wall, is used as a place to worship. The Western wall is the most visited site in Israel.
In the Western Wall Garden area, there will be a depiction of this wall along with a large plaza in front for people wishing to pray.

Nobody knows for sure where the tomb of Jesus is located. This garden area will show the first-century tomb and the story associated with it concerning Jesus. Many aspects of the tomb are mentioned in the Bible, which is very important to understanding the depth of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
This replicate of a first-century tomb will be a touchstone for many guests.
The Olive tree and the olive press is part of the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus. A replicate first-century olive crusher will be displayed and tell the story of the importance of the olive and the press as noted in the Bible.